
BELONG To People

An unexpected opportunity

A change of role and greater responsibility in less than two years. Andrea Brunori's path reflects the soul of a company, i.e. keep believing in young generations, offering them the chance to challenge themselves and grow.

  • WORK

Andrea Brunori is twenty-six years old and has been with Teddy for two years. He is neither a beginner nor a veteran, although one might have some doubts about the latter.

His story clearly shows that time is not the same for everyone: time expands and contracts according to the determination and seriousness of those who live it. For Andrea, the last two years were not just the starting point of a career, but a long journey made of enthusiasm, hesitation but also the first goals achieved. It is no exaggeration to say that his experience with Teddy already includes a past to look back on, a rewarding present and a future to discover.




With a degree in statistics and a great deal of curiosity and passion for big data, Andrea joined the company as a business analyst in Terranova's marketing department. When he signed the contract, he was aware that he was about to join a large and complex company, but in the first few months, it turned out to be harder than he had imagined.

In the beginning, Andrea was overwhelmed by the difficulty of trying to manage and organise an endless jigsaw puzzle of situations, where a new piece is added every day. The logistics are also complicated for Andrea, who has to make a long and uncomfortable drive to work every day from Novafeltria, a rural town about 25 miles from Rimini. “The first six months were very difficult”, says Andrea, "but then I realised I was in the right place, also thanks to the people I met and who, despite my young age, welcomed me like a son”.

During his first interview, Brunori had expressed his desire to learn and experience as many aspects of the business analyst role as possible. And he did. Andrea had the impression that he was driving with the emergency brake on. "I liked the work, but I began to find it a bit repetitive. I felt the need to be exposed to something new, so I talked to my managers about it. After a few months, a very interesting opportunity came up and I decided to take it".

Andrea moved from an operational to a managerial role and became Marketplace Manager at Terranova. "It is an exciting role that will keep us busy over the next few years as we launch the brand on several marketplaces in Italy and abroad. The digital world is a vast, constantly evolving world that requires constant updating and from this point of view I couldn't ask for anything better".

So, two intense first years of work for Andrea, which have increased his awareness and expectations for the future. "I expected to grow and I have grown, but you never stop growing. I hope to bring security and innovation and to be able to give something back to the company for the trust it has placed in me".