

Teddy Spa Governance

Teddy Spa governance model includes:

  • a Board of Directors comprising a chairman and a vice-chairman. The chairman also acts as Chief Executive Officer.
  • The vice-chairman acts as Managing Director;
  • the Shareholders' Meeting, competent in the matter as provided for by law and company bylaws;
  • a Board of Statutory Auditors comprising of three standing statutory auditors and two substitute statutory auditors in charge of monitoring that law and company bylaws are complied with;
  • an independent Auditor in charge of account auditing as provided for by Article 2409-bis of the Italian Civil Code.

The Board of Directors of the Company is comprised as follows:

Alessandro Bracci, Chairman and CEO
Emma Tadei, Managing Director

Organization, Management
and Control Model

Teddy is a company aware of the need to ensure fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities and it therefore considered it compliant with its own corporate policies to implement and adopt the Model as provided for by Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, in order to safeguard its own position and image and the job of its employees. The initiative was taken as the company believes that the adoption of the Model can be an effective tool to raise the awareness of all those who operate in the name and/or on behalf of Teddy or in any way for Teddy, besides what provided for by Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 wherein the Model is listed as optional and not required; the aim is to make them have a fair and transparent behavior in their activities as to prevent the risk of offences being committed as listed in the Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

As required by the Italian Legislative Decree n.231/2001, Teddy entrusted a multi-member Supervisory Board with the task of monitoring the functioning, observance and updating of the Model. The information of any element regarded as useful to perform one’s own tasks and reports on unlawful acts to be reported pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree n.231/2001, or on any breach of the provisions of Model, must be sent in writing to the Supervisory Board to the email address [email protected].

Click here to download the General Part of Model 231

Code of Ethics

Teddy considered it appropriate to adopt the Code of Ethics, which is binding for all the recipients of the Model, as it believes that acting fairly is something to be pursued in the interest of both the company itself in addition to being, in any case, a moral duty; the main strategies and rules of conduct adopted by the company are listed in the Code in order to conduct business in a fair way from a legal as well as ethical point of view.

Click here to download the Code of Ethics


Teddy employees, including the members of its strategic boards, the management and control boards, its consultants and collaborators may blow a whistle, with their confidentiality strictly protected and providing a detailed report, about unlawful acts as provided for by the Italian Legislative Decree n. 231/01, about a breach of the corporate Organization, Management and Control Model or of the Code of Ethics and a breach of the European regulations as set forth in the Italian Legislative Decree n. 24/2023.
Complaints about products or stores, rumors and gossip, strictly personal grievances or complaints, information that is already in the public domain, unfound, unsubstantiated allegations shall not be covered this whistleblowing policy.

The disclosure, as a written or oral statement, can be submitted via the dedicated online platform only accessible to the following link https://teddy.secure-blowing.com.

Click here to download Teddy Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure