
Work with us

Why Teddy?


Why choose Teddy? There’s a dream to build and a mission to achieve.


We are a company projected to become a leading company in the fashion and clothing market thanks to five brands, millions of customers and the will to conquer the world as it were always the first day.

If you have a dream, you can link it to ours...


Our culture is based on:



to create something great. Everything we do and build must satisfy our passion, be useful to the world and help to create a great company.



we believe this is a quality that belongs to everyone - “every man is a creator, if you put your trust in him”. That's what Vittorio Tadei taught us.



In our market, efficiency is a key factor: we understand being efficient as maintaining a constant commitment to achieve results, thus optimizing the resources required in a sustainable way.



A career in the company

We’ve told you about us, now we’re going to tell you what you need to really become an entrepreneur of yourself in Teddy.


We’re made for each other

Are you practical? Do you have the ability to find simple solutions to complex problems?


Do you know how to sort problems in order of importance?

Can you interpret reality based on the factors that comprise it? Can you grasp priorities and sort them based on an efficient order of intervention and propose appropriate solutions?


Are you passionate?

Do you want to showcase your talents and do something important, without ever sacrificing that desire to improve both yourself and the world all around you?

Welcome to Teddy


Joining Teddy means joining a family-run multinational. Both in store and in the company offices, we work in an informal atmosphere with clear objectives.


We try to put everyone in the best possible condition to contribute with their passion, energy and know-how to company life and continue to grow, assuming ever greater responsibilities.

we are proud of our corporate culture, of the way we work, of that special alchemy created in our stores and offices. For this reason, all those who join the company follow a course designed to introduce them to the Teddy world, its values and the way it works.

Workplace & PEOPLEnet
we have such belief in promoting people and in internal growth we have invested in it. We have our own corporate social network - everyone’s in it, from the managing director to the sales assistant in the furthest store. It contains all the company’s history, our previous work experiences, our skills and know-how, our hobbies and our aspirations. It is how we promote internal growth, establish new projects and search for managers of the future.

Plans for growth
Teddy Group grows when people and their skills grow. Therefore we develop Plans for Growth for over 200 job positions within the company: those are tools setting the path of personal growth and development any person can benefit from in the scope of their position. The path is organized as a step-by-step growth process, each step marked by the specific development of technical and cross competencies. The Plans for Growth provide for a clear outlook about the training path connected to each position, linking the professional growth of each person to the development of competencies and making collaborators be included in a fair and transparent mechanism.

We care for the welfare of people who work at Teddy and we wish our job proposal to be characterized by engagement, passion, dedication and continuous investment in the abilities and talent of colleagues and collaborators. Also thanks to the national call “Conciliamo” (Reconciling), through which the Italian Department for Family Policy under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers allocated funds for projects to reconcile family-work life, services have been activated aimed at improving experience in the Company: two corporate concierges, voucher for afterschool activities and summer camps, newborn allowance and discounted fees for the corporate nursery located within the company headquarters in Rimini.

You never stop learning

We work in a quickly changing market, in which huge transformations are the order of the day. For this reason, it’s fundamental we never stop learning and continue to improve our skills and know-how, keeping them constantly up-to-date. People who join Teddy never stop learning.

Continual training
Part of our training programme is dedicated to constantly updating and refreshing so-called job skills[1] through courses and workshops.

Retail training

Every store manager, visual manager and warehouse worker in a new store that opens has to undergo a period of training – which focuses on both practice and theory – at our Training Centre. Furthermore, periodically, throughout the year, stores are visited by our teams for refresher courses and new training experiences.

Teddy Fashion School
A real in-house fashion school designed to add to and update the skills and know-how of the product teams of our brands.

Managerial training
Our future managers grow within the company. How? Thanks to our TEDDY500 business school, to all intents and purposes a corporate university whose aim is to help people to grow and keep alive the corporate culture, streamlining it to be in line with the current context and ensure the company lasts another 500 years.

Candidates on

Do you want to apply for one of the positions open within Teddy? Do you want to leave your curriculum to be included on the database we check every day to look for new people who can help us achieve our dream? Visit PEOPLENET, the Teddy career portal. It’s the only place we look for new entrepreneurs of themselves, so that together we can build our company.