





"Build a Dream - stories of work and passion": a podcast about the working experience at Teddy through the voice of our colleagues.

A 4-episode podcast, produced in collaboration with Bea - Be A Media Company & Cast Edutainment, in which Teddy people told firsthand and in their own words about their experiences, their strong bond with Teddy and the corporate vision Vittorio Tadei had.



Dreaming is what encourages us every day to work to turn what we visually imagine, what might create feelings, desires, emotions into something real: something that therefore keeps us alive. When we can live and share our dreams in both our private and professional life, this means we found the perfect workplace.

Vittorio Tadei, Teddy founder, firmly believed it and committed himself to making the story of his own company to pursue a goal: all the people who were part of his Dream must be able to identify themselves with it.  

Today the Dream came true: thousands of people work for the corporate group and have made that vision their own, the same vision we are trying to narrate today, through their direct voices.

“Building a Dream.  Stories of work and passion” is a 4-episode podcast we produced in collaboration with Bea - Be A Media Company & Cast Edutainment, during which Teddy people told firsthand and in their own words about their experiences, their strong bond with Teddy and the corporate vision Vittorio Tadei had.


The story of Mara

Mara, 32, is one of the very few people who can say to have found her “dream job”: she has been working at Teddy for 10 years, before she travelled the world “hunting for” new trends, later she met her husband-to-be and father of her son and was hired as the coordinator of Terranova womenswear department. “People are the kingpin for the success of a company”, Vittorio used to say. An idea that was the beacon for all the actions of the Corporate Group throughout its 60 years of activity and of which Mara’s path is a perfect example.



The story of Alduina

“I was at the Oncology Unit of Rimini Hospital, playing some sketches as a bumbling clown making things fall down, making a mess here and there and she came to me, hugged me tight and told me: “I’m just like you, I always make mistakes”. For me it was a poignant moment, I felt a strong empathy that is hard to explain with words”. 

For Alduina, solidarity is a reason for living. Inside Teddy she found the perfect place where to share and nourish her passion. Caring for others is the fil rouge that also marked the life of Vittorio Tadei. When the two of them met, Alduina immediately realized they shared the same passion for helping those more in need.



The story of Luca

“Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, of always accepting the challenge, and don’t be afraid of what others think”. Luca has no doubt when you ask him about the most important values Teddy Group passed down on him throughout his 10 years at the company.  Luca started in 2012 as a project manager and today is the manager of the new Logistics hub in Gatteo. 

Vittorio firmly believed that the goal of a big corporate executive was to give all his collaborators the opportunity to become entrepreneurs of themselves. Luca, just like many other men and women who contributed to build Teddy over the years, is the perfect example of such a “method”. When young people have some qualities, to make them grow and get the best from them you need to trust them and give them some responsibilities.



The story of Viktor

Thinking “outside the box” (or as a misfit, as Steve Jobs used to say) in the workplace and in private life can be developed in many ways. At Teddy a successful CV has always been a useful tool but never so essential when it was time to offer opportunities to talented people. Becoming an “entrepreneur of yourself” is an opportunity that must be given to anyone, without distinction. The story of Viktor is a clear example of it. He was born in Sofia in difficult conditions and it was there where he started to collaborate with Terranova; in 2015 he moved to Rimini together with his partner and today they both work in the company headquarters. Viktor immediately felt part of the group and after two years he was entrusted with the task of training other people like him who came from abroad. A story of enthusiasm and dedication, a story of support to those who are more in need, a story that best expresses the identity values of Teddy Group.



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